العلوم الزمنية

Time management (science)

After a long research in different libraries and examining various research thesis and studies which share a temporal approach (time), I have highlighted a number of sciences that are closely linked to time programming, whether in terms of their nature or method. Then, I classified them in a list that …

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علم الساعة البيولوجية

After a long research in different libraries and examining various research thesis and studies which share a temporal approach (time), I have highlighted a number of sciences that are closely linked to time programming, whether in terms of their nature or method. Then, I classified them in a list that …

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Time Budget

علم ميزانية الوقت

After a long research in different libraries and examining various research thesis and studies which share a temporal approach (time), I have highlighted a number of sciences that are closely linked to time programming, whether in terms of their nature or method. Then, I classified them in a list that …

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معالم في علم الميقات – تقرير محاضرة تطبيقية

بتاريخ الإثنين 11 جمادى الأولى 1444 ه الموافق لـ 5 ديسمبر 2022 م، تم تنظيم محاضرة في علم الميقات بعنوان: “معالم في علم الميقات” للدكتور سبتي هديبل عبد الله، وهذا من طرف مخبر الشريعة بجامعة الجزائر 1 بن يوسف بن خدة، وقد بدأت في تمام العاشرة 10:00 صباحا بكلية العلوم …

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